Assessment One - Pre-Production

1.     The three major categories of production are
a.     feature, short and documentary.
b.     action, drama, and comedy.
c.     pre-production, production and post-production.
d.     independent, studio, and network production.

2.     Collaboration means that what ends up on the screen is the product of
a.     multiple creative visions.
b.     an effective executive producer.
c.     all departments and artists working together.
d.     Both A and C.
e.     None of the above.

3.     The 1st AD is the
a.     first artistic director.
b.     first assistant director.
c.     first associate director.
d.     first apprentice director.

4.     Employment approaches in production include
a.     in-house production where a producer may work for a studio, corporation, government entity or other large organizations.
b.     Third-party production firms that contract services out to other organizations.
c.     Free-lance work where the producer remains unaffiliated and work independently on contracted productions.
d.     All the above.

5.     A narrative film
a.     uses a narrator to make transitions.
b.     uses a story as its main motivation.
c.     is non-linear.
d.     is what accumulates on your tongue after reading aloud for an extended period of time.

6.     Pages of a screenplay are broken down into
a.     scenes.
b.     locations.
c.     actors.
d.     eighths.
e.     All the above.

7.     The 1st AD breaks down scenes into list of
a.     actors.
b.     props.
c.     locations.
d.     extras.
e.     All the above

8.     The _______________________ is responsible for the overall look of the film and works very closely with the director.
a.     Art director
b.     1st AD
c.     Director of Photography
d.     Production Designer

9.     Many elements of production have been entirely redefined through the incorporation of digital filmmaking methods.
a.     True
b.     False

10.  Which of the following roles is not involved in pre-production?
a.     Production Designer.
b.     Location Scout.
c.     Screenwriter
d.     Script Supervisor

11.  The Key Grip is responsible for
a.     making sure the director’s keys don’t get lost.
b.     lighting the set.
c.     executing camera moves that the director and the DP have designed.
d.     holding on to talent in precarious situations to make sure they don’t get injured.

12.  The Gaffer is responsible for
a.     making sure the director’s grandfather doesn’t get lost.
b.     lighting the set.
c.     executing camera moves.
d.     dispensing gaffer tape.

13.  Sallie was the main subject of the first short film examining the gate of a ________ .
a.     fence
b.     moviola
c.     dog
d.     horse

14.  DP stands for
a.     Director of Photography
b.     Director of Production
c.     Designer of Production
d.     Dictating Producer

15.  Any item directly relating to what the camera sees is the responsibility of the
a.     director.
b.     the camera operator.
c.     the DP.
d.     the 1st AC.

16.  The ___________ brothers were among the first to capture and project film.
a.     Light
b.     Wright
c.     Muybridge
d.     Lumiere

17.  Ridley Scott uses ________________ to envision sequences in his filmmaking
a.     revelation
b.     previsualization
c.     collaboration
d.     story boards

18.  The overall defining factor that determines whether a film will be made is the
a.     story.
b.     budget.
c.     executive producer.
d.     film’s potential to make a profit.
e.     All the above.

19.  The brothers Lumiere called their projection system
a.     le cinematographe.
b.     le systeme du projection.
c.     l’appareille du lumiere.
d.     the projector.

20.  The budget for The Mountain Meadows Massacre was minimal because 
a.     everyone involved worked for minimum wage.
b.     of the cross-processing of the film stock.
c.     of  the result of people being more interested in telling the story than making money.
d.     Both B and C.

21.  The affective consequence of the communicative effects of filmmaking results in the audience
a.     feeling an emotion.
b.     asking for their money back.
c.     responding to a call to action.
d.     learning from the film’s content.

22.  Documentaries strive to reach more of a(n) ________________ with their intended audience.
a.     psychomotor effect
b.     affective consequence
c.     emotional response
d.     cognitive effect

23.  Messages are more powerful if audiences _______________ something from the medium.
a.     learn
b.     discover
c.     feel
d.     do
e.     At least A and C.

24.  One of the most credible sources of research involved in documentary production is the
a.     internet.
b.     library.
c.     interview
d.     All the above.

25.  Previsualization allows filmmakers to
a.     see and evaluated concepts in an unfinished form before any film is rolled.
b.     establish a more accurate budget.
c.     replace actors with virtual players.
d.     know when they’ve gone over budget.

26.  The UPM is responsible for the business administration of a film company.
a.     True
b.     False

27.  Minority Report was adapted from
a.     a television series from the ‘60’s.
b.     Ted Talley’s Red Dragon.
c.     a short story by Phillip K. Dick.
d.     a comic book.

28.  The pre-production process can repeat itself often in
a.     feature production.
b.     commercial production.
c.     corporate production.
d.     news production
e.     documentary production.

29.  Production design for Minority Report involved 
a.     animatics.
b.     a bleach bypass process.
c.     paper and foam core.
d.     Both A and C.
e.     All the above.

30.  Eventually, films may be viewed in theaters not by projection but by
a.     cathode ray tubes.
b.     electronic display.
c.     telepathy.
d.     induced hallucinations from psychotropic drugs.

31.  Previsualization can allow filmmakers to design
a.     sets.
b.     camera moves.
c.     costumes.
d.     lighting.
e.     All the above.

32.  ____________ extends to the photographic tone, the costumes, the sets, the set dressing and the props of a production.
a.     Texturing
b.     The virtual environment
c.     Art direction
d.     Production design

33.  All of the following are forms of previsualization except
a.     shooting hundreds of instant still images.
b.     film tests.
c.     using consumer grade handheld camcorders.
d.     storyboards.
e.     They’re all forms of previsualization.

34.  Around a third of the production budget for Never Cry Wolf was used for the __________________ sequence.
a.     George and Angelina
b.     mice eating
c.     Rosie’s shakey take-off
d.     caribou
e.     Mike’s teeth

35.  The DP for Never Cry Wolf would shake a live ________ above the camera to create the intense stare of the wolves.
a.     production assistant
b.     chicken
c.     mouse
d.     caribous

36.  Securing permission and rights to shoot on location is the responsibility of the
a.     location scout.
b.     associate producer.
c.     location manager.
d.     unit production manager.

37.  Never Cry Wolf was Disney’s first picture to include __________.
a.     a live-action mouse
b.     an Eskimo.
c.     nudity.
d.     Charles Martin Smith.

38.  Who directed Never Cry Wolf?
a.     Marsha Ogelsby
b.     Ridley Scott
c.     Kerry Conran
d.     Carroll Ballard

39.  All the wolves used in Never Cry Wolf were _________.
a.     domesticted
b.     canus lupi
c.     computer generated
d.     Huskies made up to look like wolves.

40.  The key to the visual effectiveness of Never Cry Wolf was its ________ which won a(n) _______.
a.     cinematography, Golden Globe
b.     sound design, Academy Award
c.     score, Grammy
d.     location, Oscar

41.  Unlike The Grey, Never Cry Wolf has been accredited to shifting public perceptions about
a.     running naked with caribous.
b.     wolves.
c.     old Inuits.
d.     eating mice.

42.  Production design is all about
a.     the overall artistic look and feel of the film.
b.     light and shadow.
c.     colors and textures.
d.     focal length and depth of field.
e.     All the above.

43.  Digital technology has impacted production
a.     from a budgeting standpoint.
b.     from a post-production standpoint.
c.     from a previsualization standpoint.
d.     from every possible aspect of filmmaking.

44.  The feature film, Sin City was an adaptation from
a.     Frank Miller’s graphic novels.
b.     an MTV cartoon.
c.     George Orwell’s 1984.
d.     Stanly Kubric’s Lolita.
e.     All the above.

45.  The driving force behind any great film is
a.     its potential to generate profit.
b.     collaboration.
c.     vision.
d.     the story.

46. The rise of digital projection began in 1999 due in part to 35mm prints of _________       disintegrating after sixteen weeks of projection.
                 a. Gone With the Wind
           b. Star Wars
                 c. Days of Thunder
     d. Titanic

47. Different film stocks may have particular sensitivities to light to be considered in 
                 a. True
                 b. False
48. The production designer has little control over how the design is
                  a. photographed.
                  b. lit.
                  c. constructed.
                  d. Both A and B

49. “A story is data with a _______.”
                   a. budget
                   b. production breakdown
                   c. soul
                   d. script

50. Storage Unit was written to be produced
                  a. on a sound stage.
                  b. in a storage unit.
                  c. on location locally.
            d. as a soap opera.