Assessment Two

1.  The film plane can be best described as the
A.  stuff that accumulates on your tongue after you’ve been asleep for awhile.
B.  point of focal registration and composition.
C.  where the image is actually recorded.
D.  gate or charged couple device (CCD).
E.  All but A.

2.  The larger the negative surface of celluloid, or the pick-up device, the better the resolution.
A. True
B.  False

3.  The sound environment consists of the sounds that are only present on location.
A. True
B. False

4.  Ambient light is the kind of light present in a context without any additional artificial light.
A. True
B. False

5.  A dolly configured to run smoothly on a track is a 
A. a doorway dolly.
B. Barbie.
C. speed dolly.
D. western dolly.

6.  A ___________ can move the film plane on any axis while craning and dollying.
A. MagiCam
B. SophistiCam
C. SteadiCam
D. Techno-Jib 
E. HeliCam

7.  Handheld shooting is more stable when shot
A. tight,
B. wide
C. sober.
D. telephoto

8.  An advantage of prime lenses over zooms is that they
A. let in more light.
B. have less aboration in the corners.
C. cost less than zoom lenses.
D. Both A and B.

9.  Steadicam technology was developed for the film
A. Rocky.
B. Bound for Glory. (It’s this one, really.)
C. Rocky III.
D. Rocky IV.
E. Rocky VI.

10. The first position of a dolly move is called ________ and the second is called________.
A. alpha, beta
B. tweedle-dee, tweedle dum
C. one, two
D. A, B

11. Two main positions of the Steadicam operator are
A. the Macarena and the Foxtrot.
B. the forward facing and the  rearward facing.
C. the Don Juan and the missionary position. (Really, I’m not making this up.)
D. I missed class that day, darn it.

12. Three main components that make up a Steadicam rig are
A. the sled, the toboggan, and the ski.
B. the vest, the articulating arm and the sled.
C. the arm, the sleeve, and the vest.
D. the vest, the sleeve, and the trousers.
E. I’m the one who missed class that day.

13. The Steadicam is a quicker alternative to
A. the tripod.
B. track and dolly.
C. a jib move.
D. B and C. 
E. I probably shouldn’t miss class any more.

14. An advantage of a zoom lens over a prime is that it
A. is a faster lens.
B. combines a number of focal lengths into one lens.
C. has less elements to distort clarity 
D. Both A and C.

15. F-stop markings on the barrel of a lens relate to
A.  the distance of the focal plane.
B.  the focal length of the lens.
C. the optical configuration of the lens.
D. depth of field.
E. Both A and D.

16. The scene below was shot in the New Cavern Club, which replaced the original Cavern
Club in __________ where the Beatles played. 
A.  London
B.  Livermore
C.  Liverpool
D.  Cork
E.  New York

17. In the montage for Let It Be, the shot below establishes context for a funeral using a 
___________ for the move. 
A. doorway dolly
B. crane
C. SteadiCam
D. Helicam

18. The shot below from the Because sequence begins with a very sophisticated move using a _______.
A. Techno-Jib
B. Helicam
C. SteadiCam
D. MagiCam
E. SophistiCam

19. When Max goes to the draft center he is met with a three-dimensional Uncle Sam. This effect was achieved through _________.
A. rotoscoping
B. puppets
C. compositing
D. the MagiCam

20. Bounced or diffused light creates __________ shadows whereas direct light creates _________ shadows.
A. dark, gray.
B. long, short.
C. dense, shallow.
D. soft, hard.

21. A bare-bulb light fixture that employs a parabolic reflector is called a 
A. flood.
B. spot.
C. par.
D. fresnel.

22. A base exposure is pulled off the ______ light in a three point light set-up 
A. fill.
B. key.
C. backlight.
D. fresnel.

23. Color temperatures are measured on the ________ scale.
A. Kelvin
B. Kevin
C. Kalvin Klein
D. Krayola

24. Three-point lighting uses _________ fixtures.
A.  two
B.  nine
C. six
D. three

25. In the shot below of Jude from Across the Universe, the light that models his face can be
best characterized as __________.
A. soft
B. diffused
C. hard
D. bare
E. A &B

26. Setting the color temperature of a camera is accomplished by
            A. Tungsten balancing.
            B. daylight balancing.
            C. white balancing.
            D. chroma balancing.

27. Diffusion of a light instrument results in 
            A. a shadow with a long drop-off.
            B. warm, wrap around lighting.
            C. a shadow with a short drop-off.
            D. both A and B.

28. The primary function of a camera is to
            A. capture the action.
            B. record light.
            C. tell a story.
            D. provide a focal plane.

29. A fixture with a lens in front of the lamp and an adjustable parasol reflector behind it is called 
            A. a Fresnel.
            B. a Fresno.
            C. a Francisco.
            D. an al Fresco.

30. Tungsten light burns ________ while sunlight burns ________.
            A. blue, amber
            B. magenta, cyan
            C. amber, blue
            D. 38000 Kelvin, 56000 Kelvin
            E. Both C and D.

31. Shooting with daylight and tungsten fixtures mixes color temperatures.
            A. True
            B. False

32. A cardioid pickup pattern is named such because it resembles a(n)  
            A. microphone.
            B. omnidirection.
            C. heart.
            D. All the above.

33. An omnidirectional microphone picks up audio from
            A. God.
            B. one main direction.
            C. all directions.
            D. the director (sometimes confused with A).

34. A unidirectional shotgun with some peripheral sensitivity has a ___________ pick-up pattern.
            A. omnidirectional
            B. cardioid
            C. polar
            D. hypercardioid

35. A ___________ is used for primary dialogue whereas a _____________ can establish better proximity.
            A.  supercardioid, hypercardioid
            B.  parabolic, dynamic microphone
            C.  lavalier, shotgun
            D.  brunette, blonde

36. The _____________ is the department head and is responsible for all aspect of production sound.
A. boom operator
B. sound mixer
C. audio engineer
D. utility technician

37. The sound mixer is responsible for gathering all ambient audio cues that can be found on location and must take _______ into consideration when recording for stereo or surround-sound.
A. noise
B. Dolby
C. phase
D. signal

38. A good boom operator considers the resonance of the human frame much like they would recoding a musical instrument.
A. True
B. False

39. The boom operator must decide where to place the microphone based on 
A. the location and projection of any dialogue. 
B. the frame position of the camera. 
C. the source of lighting. 
D. any unwanted noise sources.
E. All the above.

40. The boom operator places the microphone using a 
A. fishpole.
B. jib arm.
C. fly rod.
D. Gitzo

41. On large productions the key grip will have a __________, who is the second in command, and a crew of grips who are highly specialized in specific tasks.
A. 1st AKG
B. Best Boy
C. grip
D. gaffer

42. A dolly grip is typically certified to operate a __________ dolly.
A. Fisher
B. doorway
C. speed
D. Western

43. Once the set is built and has been photographed, it is no longer the responsibility of the construction crew, but the grip department.
A. True
B. False

44. If someone is injured on the set, that liability falls to the _________.
A. 1st AD
C. location paramedic
D. key grip

45. The camera obscura effect used in the storage unit where Gray sees an inverted vision of what's happening outside can be easiest to achieve by _________.
A. compositing
B. projecting
C. creating the actual camera obscura
D. animation

46. Ian and Gray are characters that begin as __________ and __________, but end up as
_______ and _______.
A. antagonist, protagonist/protagonist, antagonist
B. good guy, bad guy/villain, hero
C. protagonist, antagonist/antagonist, protagonist
D. I don't know, we haven't finished the screenplay. 

47. The demolition of the McDaniel residence is mostly depicted through the use of
A. violent, splitting two by four studs and dry wall.
B. atmosphere and sound effects.
C. pyrotechnics.
D. compositing.

48. An adirondack 
A. is a common deck chair found in the Smokey Mountains. 
B. makes a handy improvised surgical table.
C. is rarely found by itself.
D. All the above. 

49. Pam
A. gets it all.
B. is happier to find the area rug than she is to find her husband.
C. evolves as a heroine. (Not the narcotic.)
D. All the above. 

50. The MagiCam
A. is an iPhone application.