Please, this is for you.

You're reading this because you're a current or past student of mine in an array of classes in which I've facilitated from Interpersonal, Photojournalism, Vis Comm, Persuasion, Integrated Oral Comm, Argumentation, Rhetoric, Social Media, New Media Applications, to Senior Capstone and your internship. And today being Thanksgiving and the beginning of Hanukkah, I wanted to thank you for the experience.

If you're a past student, you're getting this because you haven't figured out how to unsubscribe to the blog. : )

You have brought volumes of thought and consideration, critical approaches and heartbreaking realizations that make up the richest tapestry of experience and wisdom that I'd otherwise never have.

Even more precious, though, is your grace, your acceptance, your vulnerability, and your willingness to, at the very least, entertain some foreign ideas, some new ways of thinking about how we all communicate.

You've designed powerful messages, produced moving pictures, photographed extraordinary stories, dared to challenge relational ruts, examined your own predispositions in judgement and perception, and have the incredible courage to make applications of all of this.

I am in awe of you and am so very thankful that I had a chance to check into your life for a semester or two or six in some cases. You humble me and give me something to get out of bed for every weekday morning.

So, thank you. I love you.
